Supervised Agricultural Experience

The Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) is an important and required component of agricultural education. Through SAE projects students will apply what they have learned in the classroom and through the FFA. Through their involvement in the SAE program, students are able to consider multiple careers and occupations, learn expected workplace behavior, develop specific skills within an industry, and are given opportunities to apply academic and occupational skills in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment.

Click here for the record keeping website: The AET

Types of Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs


Students who own and operate an agricultural enterprise.

  • Animal Entrepreneurship

    • Owning and raising livestock

  • Plant Entrepreneurship

    • Raising plants (crops and horticultural)

  • Agribusiness Entrepreneurship

    • Owning and operating an agricultural business that produces all other products


Plan and conduct a scientific experiment related to agriculture.


Acquire an agriculturally based job or internship.  This could be on a farm or ranch, at an agricultural-based business, or in a school or factory laboratory.

Service Learning

A service learning SAE is conducted by one or more students in which they plan, conduct and evaluate a project designed to pro-vide a service to the school, public entities or the community. It must provide benefit to an organization, group or individuals other than the FFA chapter.

School-Based Enterprise

School-Based Enterprise SAEs are student-led business enterprises that provide goods or services. They are operated from the school campus utilizing facilities, equipment and other resources provided by the agricultural education program or the school in general.